Chinatown Wars
Controller Support
Yes, GTA: Chinatown Wars has MFi controller support!
GTA: Chinatown Wars on iOS does support controllers and is compatible with the MFI standard.
Huang is a spoiled rich kid who expects everything to run smoothly, but his trip does not go exactly as planned.
Built specifically for portable devices, the groundbreaking Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars has been updated for iOS devices to provide an enhanced and more immersive experience.
Universal App! Play on all your supported iOS devices* - Full Retina Display resolution support - Support for MFi controllers - Updated, highly customizable touchscreen controls - Epic storyline with tons of side-missions, addictive mini-games and hidden collectibles - Choose from five radio stations or create your own with custom playlist support** Languages Supported: English, French, Italian, German, Spanish and Japanese.
To listen to your own music library in-game, create a playlist titled "GTA" in iTunes, sync your iOS device and select the "Independence FM" radio station while playing.
GTA: Chinatown Wars supports MFi controllers.