Sky Gamblers Air Supremacy
Controller Support
Yes, Sky Gamblers Air Supremacy has MFi controller support!
Sky Gamblers Air Supremacy on iOS does support controllers and is compatible with the MFI standard.
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" APPLETELL- "The fact that the game can look this good with so much happening at once speaks volumes" NY1 - "Some solid ammo for the argument that tablet gaming is creeping closer and closer to console gameplay" MSN - " genuinely one of the best tablet games we have ever played" FORGET EVERYTHING ELSE! THIS IS THE ULTIMATE AIR COMBAT GAME! With an extensive single player campaign and revolutionary multiplayer modes, the non-stop action will keep you at the edge of your seat! Become the supreme lord of the skies! CONSOLE QUALITY GAMING AND IT'S ONLY ON iOS! Unparalleled visuals, special effects and audio including: bump mapping, atmospheric scattering, volumetric clouds with realistic lighting, sun glare, day.
Sky Gamblers Air Supremacy supports MFi controllers.