Absolute RC Boat Sim

Controller Support

Yes, Absolute RC Boat Sim has MFi controller support!

Absolute RC Boat Sim on iOS does support controllers and is compatible with the MFI standard.

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Summary & Rating

This is probably the most advanced and true to life boat simulation available today! We have provided different type of boats that vary in speed and handling characteristics.

Initially we provide Mono, Cat, Rigger boat types and will add Hydro type boats soon.

This app is great for ages 8 to 80 and will delight you, so please download now!

Absolute RC Boat Sim supports MFi controllers.


Price Development

Go ahead! The price is on it's normal level.

MFi Controller Button Mappings

Rudder Controls

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Avg. response time: 20 - 30 minutes

Impressum  &  Datenschutzerklärung
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