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Is there a RSS feed for new additions and price drops?

Last updated


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Avg. response time: 20 - 30 minutes

@janoelze staff
June 2019
hey! yes, there's one for price drops here:

we don't have one for new additions, yet. i could put it on the todo list, if you are interested, but i suspect a lot of the new additions wouldn't be too interesting. it might make more sense to follow the collections, where we try to keep track of the higher-quality games.
June 2019

Followering Collections does not work on my iPhone. I tap the button and it does not do anything. (iPhone X, Safari, nothing blocked, iOS 13 Beta2)
@kanni staff
June 2019
Hey! We had a bug with this yesterday. It should be fixed by now! Can you delete your safari browser cache and try again?
June 2019
I could now turn on notification on collections but they do not show up under my account wishlist.

@kanni staff
June 2019
Looking into this, thanks for testing! cc @janoelze

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