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NBA 2K19
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Avg. response time: 20 - 30 minutes

June 2019
1. Is mfi controller really works on nba 2k19 ipad? (Not the 2k19 mobile ios, but nba 2k19 ios)
2. Which mfi controller that works on nba 2k19 Ipad?
3. Does it work perfectly?
July 2019
I am playing NBA2K18 right now on IOS 13 with my ps4 controller. It only works on matches, when it comes to menus you have to use the touch screen. Dont know about 2k19.
@kanni staff
June 2019
Haven‘t played it myself, All MFi controllers should work though! Check out our <a href="/mfi-controllers">controller section</a> :)
June 2019
“AvG. ReSpOnSe TiMe: 20 - 30 MiNuTeS” get your commitment right bruhh..
June 2019
Im joking lol

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