Tennis Champs Returns
Controller Support
Yes, Tennis Champs Returns has MFi controller support!
Tennis Champs Returns on iOS does support controllers and is compatible with the MFI standard.
The world's best Tennis game is back! * Deep Career mode, with 200 opponents * Touch Tennis mini game * Retro or Touch controls.
GameCenter 2 player 20 years after the original Tennis Champs and Super Tennis Champs hit the Amiga, this is the "King of Tennis Games" brought up to date.
Daily Challenge serves up a mixture of modes, tennis games, opponents and mini games each day, with completion yielding rewards to help you in your career.
Can you climb the rankings, win the major titles and be declared the True Tennis Champ? * Included in TouchArcade's "10 Best Games of 2016" Lists! * **GAME OF THE WEEK : TouchArcade 20th Feb 2016** "Tennis Champs Returns is my favorite game of 2016 so far..." - Jared Nelson of Touch Arcade "Best tennis game I have ever played" - Mr Charley - TouchArcade Forum "This had to be one of the very best sports' games on iOS ever made!" - DJStout - TA Forum "Winning my first major. Has to be one of the most satisfying moments in my sports gaming history!" - Mikiesque - TA Forum.
Tennis Champs Returns supports MFi controllers.

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