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Shadowgun Legends
By MADFINGER Games, a.s.


Got a question, feedback or recommendation?
Avg. response time: 20 - 30 minutes

October 2019
Same with ps4 controller, start button acts like ‘a’ or ‘select’. L2 acts like back/exit. Most things can be mapped except L-click and R-click. L2 cannot be remapped because when you press it in mapping mode it exits.

Cannot play with controller completely touchscreen free.
Actual gameplay is really good, just annoying having to select stuff and navigate menus by touch.

September 2019
I tried this yesterday with my Xbox one controller and the controls are really messed up. Nothing is where you would think it would be. I tried to set the buttons myself but that messed up the turning controls. The left trigger couldn’t be remapped either as this seems to be the default “Back” button. I hope they patch it soon. Good game from what I could play. Destiny mobile almost.
October 2019
This’s happened to me either. The game hasn’t configure Xbox one controller yet. Too bad
@kanni staff
September 2019
What a bummer. I wonder why devs bother with adding controller support but not making it fully customizable. Anyways, thanks for reporting this :)

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